
Dating Tips If You Have Herpes

Herpes can change your dating life. The virus can spread to your partner if you have unprotected sex. People panic after they learn they have been affected by the virus. There are several ways you can go about it to keep the virus under control. First, your partner will get affected if you are sexually active. It is good to talk with the partner and get them prepared. Here are other dating tips you can employ: Let the partner know about your diagnosis early. Your partner will get affected after she discovers you suffer from the infection. It can spread to her if you continue enjoying unprotected sex. It is good to take the necessary measures and protect your partner. Ensure you inform the partner early so that you can plan a way forward. Use protection when getting intimate. Always use a condom or the suppression therapy to reduce the risk of spreading the infection to your partner. It is not good to put other people at risk. Always act responsibly, and it will avoid cases wher

Three Dating Tips If You Happen To Have Herpes

  Three Dating Tips If You Happen To Have Herpes It totally up to you whether or not you want to date(let alone have sex)with someone who has herpes. Below you will find three tips for dating(and or sex) if you happen to be with someone who has it. 1) The very first thing you should do is to educate yourself on herpes. Find out all you can before accepting a date. Yes, it is important to hear it from the person's mouth(guy or girl), but you should also have some idea of what is happening before you go.  2) The last thing you should do is behave like a know-it-all. You are not the one living with it(although it does clear up with the right treatment). This is their story. Too many people have become "Karens" in this day and age. They act like they know everything. You may have educated yourself about herpes, but you are not the one who has it. Listen(and really hear) their story. Then, you can make up your mind(based on what they tell you) about whether or not you want to